Who We Are

The Rights Studio is the brainchild of Miriam Sugranyes and Veronica Yates at CRIN, the Child Rights International Network. It was officially founded in September 2020 in Berlin, Germany. However its work and ideas have been around for some years, under the auspices of CRIN and partners.

While CRIN and The Rights Studio are working in close collaboration, the need for the new entity was based on the desire to create an organisation that is solely focused on experimenting with creative ideas, within a different framework, involving different people and groups, and operating as a social enterprise. CRIN continues to operate as the think tank, the brain of our collective struggles, while The Rights Studio is the playground where everyone is invited to play.

Who we work with

We are collaborating with people who share our values, whether they are artists, writers, scientists, organisations, companies, and individuals, in order to provoke new conversations around human rights. Get in touch if you have ideas for collaborating with us.

For more information on our team and collaborators profiles and contributions visit our People page. We also invite you to check Our Principles and Governance: