Through this journal, we are inviting you into a new way of thinking and doing, one which begins with questioning everything we take for granted. In particular, how we contribute – or think we contribute – to a better world. We will not have all the answers, but we want to ask better questions.

The questions we ask are not about the answers, nor are they about new ideas. There are enough ideas out there to reinvent the world several times over. As Audre Lorde said “there are no new ideas still waiting in the wings to save us… There are only old and forgotten ones, new combinations, extrapolations and recognitions from within ourselves – along with the renewed courage to try them out.”

Post Wars’ Quick Fixes

When an armed conflict breaks out, donors rush to respond to humanitarian needs. Funds are typically issued quickly and consequently, projects are developed quickly. But is rushed support based on people’s actual needs and priorities, or rather on the organisations’ and donors’ priorities?

Musings on Interdependence

By Tessa Lewin –
It seems that despite the pandemic, and despite the very visible and multiple impacts of climate change, we have much to learn about interdependency – both with other people, and the natural world.

Misplaced Positivity on Climate is Harmful

By Stella Nyambura Mbau.

As I witness millions of people newly displaced and in need of humanitarian aid due to the current impacts of climate change, I wonder, who has the luxury of staying positive?

Towards Intergenerational Activism

By Robert Schwartz.

I devoted over 40 years to working on children’s rights, helping to shape the field. I have been contemplating, in retirement, the role that elders play in a world that is rightly propelled by youthful energy…

The Beauty of the Game

By Jonas Burgheim.

While slogans can easily be hijacked for the broadening economic game, playing and experiencing sports and games carries that inherent beauty for us all…

The Role of Women and Children in Peace and Conflict

by Enakshi Ganguly.

Violence, conflict, political and humanitarian crises have displaced 82.4 million people from their homes. Around the world – from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Myanmar – women’s human rights defenders…

The next step on my feminist journey… is a break

Guest Post by Helene Wolf.

Three years ago, I set out on my journey to challenge our long standing system of power and leadership culture by establishing FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders.